Thursday, October 31, 2013

Playa - nord du Pérou

Voici quelques photos datant du mois de mars 2013, pendant un petit week-end à la plage de Vichayito, au nord du Pérou.
Here are some pictures from March 2013, during a short weekend on the Vichayito beach in the North of Peru.

Moi profitant du hamac - Me enjoying the hamac.

Installation du lieu - installations of the place.


Piscine - swimming pool.

Notre "tente" pour les 2 nuits - Our "carpa" for the 2 nights we spent there.

L'intérieur, comme le toit est en toile, on entend les vagues en se couchant la nuit - as the roof is a tent, we can hear the waves when going to sleep.

Vers la salle de bain - To the bathroom.

Passons aux choses sérieuses: la plage! - Now, let's move on some serious stuff: the beach!

Maracuya sour in a croc.

Franshis in the water :-)

Brubru in the water :s

Et oui, la mer, ça fatigue - Yeah, swimming is tiring.

Coucher de soleil - sunset.