Some pictures of Port au Prince and Down-town Port au Prince, pretty ruined.
Une belle vallée - a nice valley
Downtown - we start here with the city hall but all the official buildings look like that.
Pas loin du palais présidentiel - nearby the presidential palace
le pénitencier - the prison
différents ministères - couple of ministeries
buildings of the presidential palace guards.
Champ de Mars, in front of the presidential palace
Le palais présidentiel - the presidential palace.
La petite visite du centre-ville était spéciale, les bâtiments à terre comprennent l'université, le commissariat principal, les ministères, le sénat, des magasins... Notre chauffeur nous disait que sous les décombres, il y a encore beaucoup de corps.
The visit was special, the buildings that are down include the university, the police department, ministeries, the parliament, shops... Our driver told us that many bodies are still below the destroyed buildings.